March 15, 2025
Ask the Tokyo Nutritionist: Is White Rice Healthy? Your nutritional questions will also be answered

Ask the Tokyo Nutritionist: Is White Rice Healthy? Your nutritional questions will also be answered

Welcome to our new column, “Ask the Tokyo Dietitian,” offering expert insights on food and nutrition—tailored specifically to life in Japan.

Whether you’re looking for tips on balancing traditional Japanese foods with modern dietary needs, navigating local food labels, or learning more about the latest in nutritional science, registered dietitian Victoria Lindsay is here to help. Each month she addresses frequently asked questions, dispels myths and provides practical advice to help you on your journey to health and wellbeing.

Do you have a question? Ask us in the comments section below or email us at Your question may be covered in an upcoming article.

Ask the Tokyo Nutritionist: Is White Rice Healthy? Your nutritional questions will also be answered

If you don’t like raw rish, there are many other ways to enjoy Japan’s wide range of delicious seafood. Image: Nishihama/Pixta

Question: Hello! I’m visiting Japan and am curious to try the local cuisine, including sushi. However, I’m not a big fan of raw fish. Do you have any suggestions or things you could try instead?

Nutritionist from Tokyo: Konnichiwa and welcome to Japan! While there are plenty of delicious dishes to try while you’re here, I can understand both the curiosity and reticence about sushi.

Most people who are unsure about trying sushi fall into at least one of three main categories:

  1. Those who think they may not like the texture of raw fish
  2. Those who are unsure will like the taste of raw fish
  3. Those who have no desire for seafood at all

Luckily, there are options for those who fall into each of these groups. So if any of these categories apply to you, feel free to try these tips while traveling and eating around Japan.

If you find the slippery and sometimes slimy texture of raw fish off-putting, I recommend trying fully cooked seafood dishes instead.

Japan is known for its wide variety of fresh seafood. While sushi gets all the glory, some of my favorite Japanese dishes include fully cooked fish. Attempt hub (Japanese style stew) with vegetables and seafood, donburi (Rice bowl) with fish on it, shrimps Tempura (breaded and fried shrimp) and add seafood Okonomiyaki (savory Japanese-style pancake) or grilled fish dishes with cod or salmon.

Another option is to think about it Aburi Sushi in which the top of the fish or seafood used for the sushi has been lightly fried using a blowtorch. This will slightly change the taste and texture of the sushi and may make it more palatable for those new to eating raw fish.

For those unsure about the taste of raw fish, I have found that fish with a milder flavor that is not too “fishy” may be more desirable. Examples include cod, sea bream, tuna and certain types of seafood such as scallops or crabs.

Finally, for those who are unsure whether they even like seafood, I would recommend trying it in a mixed dish such as a soup, stew, or stir-fry that balances the flavor of the seafood with other flavors.

Another option would be to eat a food that contains algae, such as: Onigiri (rice ball), which some say has a mild seafood or fish flavor without being too fishy thanks to the seaweed.


Both brown and white rice can be part of a healthy diet when balanced with other foods. Image: shige hattori/Pixta

Q: I live in Japan and like many other people who live here, I eat a lot of white rice. However, I have heard that it is important to eat more whole grains. So does this mean I should switch to brown rice instead? Is white rice bad for me?

TD: Ah yes, the white rice vs. brown rice debate. While I wish there was a simple answer to the question of which one is better, the truth is more nuanced, so let’s dig into it.

Before I get into that, I’d like to quickly point out that rice – especially white rice – is an important cultural food in Japan and many other places around the world. I strongly believe that culturally significant foods have a place in a balanced diet. So if you love rice and it is important to you, I would never recommend you to go without it.

Also, I can quickly say that white rice (in general) isn’t bad for you. What is healthier? As with many things in the food world, the answer is: it depends.

When it comes to white or brown rice, there are some pros and cons.

A key factor that contributes to many of the benefits of brown rice lies in the fact that brown rice is rice in its whole form, meaning that it has not been refined and has been stripped of its bran and germ like white rice. For this reason, brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins and minerals than white rice. However, the amounts of these micronutrients in brown rice are admittedly small and may not be as significant when considering the overall diet.

Another benefit of brown rice is related to its glycemic index. The glycemic index is a rating system that ranks foods based on how much they raise blood sugar levels. White rice has a higher glycemic index value than brown rice, meaning white rice can cause a quicker rise and higher blood sugar levels than an equal amount of brown rice.

But before you ditch brown rice, consider this: Because brown rice is unrefined, that means it can contain more of the good stuff — but also the bad.

A growing problem in the food industry is the amount of arsenic and heavy metals contained in rice due to environmental pollution. Brown rice contains more Arsenic and heavy metals than white rice. Although it’s still safe to eat, those who eat a large amount of brown rice — or foods made from brown rice flour — should take note.

With this in mind (and excluding specific health conditions that require a choice between one or the other), I encourage my patients to think about rice consumption a little differently. Instead of pitting one rice against the other, why not eat both and increase the variety in your diet if you’re open to it? If that’s not the case and you prefer white rice, that’s okay too!

The better question may not be whether you should eat white rice, but whether you eat the amount that best meets your nutritional needs. Because white rice is cheap and easy to prepare, portions can sometimes become larger and crowd out other important foods like fruits, vegetables, or protein-rich foods. Consult a registered dietitian if you are unsure about what ratio of rice or other foods is best for you.

Victoria Lindsay, MS RD, is a registered dietitian and nutritionist working at Tokyo Medical & Surgical Clinic and her private practice based in Tokyo. To get in touch, please visit:

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